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Isabelle Conway

TEC-QQ / Software Product Assurance Engineer

Donatella Ponziani

Downstream Gateway Officer

Ali Zadeh

Head of the Data Systems & Microelectronic Division

Benedicte Girouart

Head of GNC, AOCS and Pointing Division

ESA Alert System Tool

The ESA Alert System's main aim is the prompt interchange of information on failures and problems of general concern among the participants in the system, with the involvement of the manufacturer of affected items. 

It covers failures and problems having negative impacts upon the performance of space systems; that are detected at any stage of the space system life-cycle, starting from design, up to operations and ending at withdrawal from service.

Point of contact: Isabelle Conway

Alerts are managed through the ESA Alert System Tool (a web-based tool), which:

  • Provides information on the ESA Alert System
  • Stores and distributes ESA Alerts among participants


Downstream website

The purpose of the Downstream Gateway is to create links between commercial actors in ESA Member States and ESA’s portfolio of infrastructure and activities.

The Downstream Gateway interacts with industry and potential partners, listening to their needs and providing easy access to ESA’s expertise and activities in applications and technical domains.

Point of contact: Donatella Ponziani

The Downstream Gateway provides broad visibility on projects, opportunities, programmes, technical resources and advice from ESA experts in key domains.



Space Avionics Open Interface aRchitecture is an initiative to federate the space avionics community and to work together in order to improve the way that the European Space community builds avionics subsystems.

The process is intended to be applied as part of the Agency's ITTs and throughout the subsequent procurements and development process.

Point of contact: Ali Zadeh / Benedicte Girouart

A particular goal is to have SAVOIR outputs exploited in future projects and relevant products as part of European supplier's portfolios.


What are the objectives?

  • To reduce the schedule and risk -- and thus the cost -- of avionics procurement and development, while preparing for the future
  • To improve the competitiveness of avionics suppliers
  • To influence standardisation processes by standardising at the right level in order to achieve equipment interchangeability (the topology remains specific to a project)
  • To define the governance model to be used for the products, generic specifications and interface definition of the elements being produced under the SAVOIR initiative.

What are the expected benefits of SAVOIR?

  • For customers, streamline the procurement process of spacecraft avionics
  • For system integrators, facilitate the integration of spacecraft avionics
  • For suppliers, prepare the technical conditions for a more efficient product-line organisation.

What does SAVOIR support?

  • Space avionics customers and system architects,
  • System integrators,
  • Avionics and technology suppliers,
  • Standardization bodies.
  • It is a tool for industrial policy and R&D plan makers.