Quality, Dependability and PA Support Division

This division chairs the ESA Management Standardisation Board (MSB) and participating in relevant external standardisation bodies concerning management standards
For any enquiries on our division, please refer to the assigned contact:

Laurent Marchand

Division PoC

Manrico fedi casas

S4S Assessment:

Fabrice Cosson

Dependability and Safety and RAMS support

Aleksandra Sieminska

ESA Test Centre Certification

Suzana Da Mota Silva

Head of Product Assurance & Management Section


Organisation and performance of activities for software process assessment and improvement and the evaluation and certification of software products

Organisation and management of information systems to record and prevent the occurrence or repetition of failures, such as Alert system, internal pre-Alert system and participation in ‘lessons learned’ system

Organisation and/or participation in audits of ESA projects and related industrial/institutional activities; maintenance of an ESA product assurance audit database

Ensuring implementation of the ESA product policy in terms of product qualification and quality control of recurring product lines

Provision of support and coordination to ESA programmes and establishments in the area of the management of technical risks

Implementing the requirements of international standards such as ISO 9001 within TEC, in coordination with DG-A

Participating in relevant external standardisation bodies concerning management standards

Operating and maintaining the TEC-Q IT-infrastructure in support of TEC-Q core activities, e.g. the ECSS and ESCC standardisation systems and the respective executive secretariats, the Alerts (EAS) and Internal Problem Notification (IPN) systems, the TEC-Q laboratory facilities, materials, processes and components databases and support tools, as well as the information management systems in place to support those core functions in cooperation with the other relevant TEC laboratories. These activities are of cross-departmental and cross-divisional nature

The Division is also responsible for the ESA Lessons Learned system and closely cooperates in the ESA Knowledge Management activities as representative of the Directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality. The Division is in charge of improving and extending the scope and usage of the technical Lessons Learned (LL) system and ensuring adequate implementation of the LL corporate procedure at ESTEC.

The division provides the following specific services to industry:

Software process assessment and improvement (S4S)

Test Centre Certification

Alert System

RAMS Support


Software process assessment and improvement (S4S)

TEC-QQS has the capability to conduct S4S assessments to give an overall determination of the organization's capabilities for delivering software products in line with ECSS-Q-ST-80C (Rev.1).

S4S is SPICE (Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination) for Space.

It is:

  • A method of evaluating space software processes.
  • Conformant to ISO/IEC 15504 (Process Assessment)
  • Developed under ESA contract for the space industry. 
  • Conformant to Process Reference Model reflected in ECSS-E-ST-40C and ECSS-ST-Q-80C.

Test Centre Certification

TEC-QQQ manages certification schemes for European space test centers in accordance with ECSS requirements, operating certification renewal and surveillance audits of European space test centers and ensuring continual assessment of their entire quality and safety management system against ECSS-Q-ST-20-07C requirements.

Alert System

TEC-QQQ runs the ESA Alert System aiming at ensuring the prompt interchange of information on failures and problems of general concern among the participants of the system, with the involvement of the manufacturer of affected items. The ESA Alert System covers failures and problems experienced in ESA space projects, having negative impacts upon the performance of space systems, which are detected at any stage of the space system life cycle, starting from design, up to operations and ending at withdrawal from service.

ESA alter are managed through the ESA Alert System Tool (a web-based tool) which:

  • Provides information on the ESA Alert System
  • Stores and distributes ESA Alerts among participants
  • Archives relevant information related to ESA Alerts

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