External Coordination

Close coordination of space technology R&D is key to sustaining the innovation and competitiveness of the European space sector.

All those involved in European space-related technology research and development have a common objective: to boost the competitiveness of European industry and ensure the success of future missions. To maximise the effectiveness of each euro invested in R&D requires all actors to coordinate together effectively: ESA, the European Union, national space agencies, private companies, research organisations and universities.

The investment in question adds up to a considerable sum. Civil institutional space technology activities funding in Europe amounted to approximately 1.1 B€ in 2022*, funded through national, ESA and EU programmes.

Of this total figure, more than 650 M€ has been funded by ESA through programmes with a strong technology R&D component, along with other ESA technology initiatives and coordination mechanisms.


Key stakeholders within the European space sector have been further strengthening their coordination and cooperation through various processes and programmes.

Whether you are an ESA Member State delegate, a member of a European institution, industry, R&D organisation, or university, select the relevant filter to discover which opportunities exist to participate in these initiatives.

Edmund Williams

Head of Technology Coordination & Planning Office
2000Year of start of the European Space Technology Harmonisation process, supervised and coordinated by ESA/TEC
30European countries and Canada involved in the European Space Technology Master Plan
*European Space Technology Master Plan. Request access to:


The Technology Harmonisation provides to all European actors the framework and the key instruments to coordinate Space Technology at European level.
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For nearly two decades of operation, and several major reviews recommending its strengthening, the Technology Harmonisation is now an established well proven European process.



This is the initiative through which ESA seeks solutions to the challenges for space usage coordinating all activities leading to the development, publication and on-going maintenance of the standardisation documents.
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The Leading standardisation board is the ESA engineering steering board (ESSB) it is supported by 3 technical standardisation boards (TSBS)