Mechanical Engineering Support

Mechanical Engineering encompasses all of the built structures and moving parts flown in space, thermal control, including as well robotics and instruments for scientific and exploration missions.

While electrical engineering is centred on the motion of electrons mechanical engineering focuses on the movement of everything else: how satellite structures react to the extreme accelerations, vibrations and temperature shifts experienced during launch and orbit, the performance of moving devices in vacuum conditions, the passage of light through optical systems and the inner workings of engines and other propulsion systems.

It is also responsible for assessing how the harsh, radiation-filled, space environment affects materials. 

On top of that, it includes the design and operation of physics and biology experiments destined for the International Space Station and other microgravity platforms, as well as the life support systems needed to keep people alive and comfortable in orbit.

There is no easy way to repair space hardware once it breaks down, so it has to be designed to perform in a sturdy and reliable manner. Satellite structures and moving mechanisms must remain stable to avoid distorting performance and data, while Optical instruments have to go on operating without failure for many years. If rocket engines or thrusters do not fire as planned the results could be catastrophic. All this makes on ground verification of space systems and subsystems a key engineering field in support to space missions.

For any enquiries:

Tommaso Ghidini

Head of Mechanical Department

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