The department advises projects and manages technology activities related to the domains of the department and elaborates corresponding engineering standards.
It manages technical laboratories and facilities to support internal and external customers.
Among those, it is responsible for providing the Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) in support of studies and early phase activities of ESA programmes.
Associate to systems engineering is cost engineering, which provides cost estimates of future space projects to ESA decision-makers.
Systems, AOCs and software engineering are key for any space mission because if not:
Further, satellites would not have the key components that make it possible to operate in the complex functional environment of space.
In-orbit demonstration provides access to space for new technologies and techniques using small satellites and cubesats, without which in-orbit demonstration missions, technologies and techniques will not have the opportunity to be validated (i.e. brought to TRL 9) before being used in application programmes.
These blueprints can then become the basis of subsequent decision-making, ultimately by ESA Member States as they judge which future missions should gain their support.
Without cost engineering, ESA will not have an estimate to know at an early stage the cost of a programme.
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