Internal Coordination

As technology is developed in ESA under several programmes and initiatives, it is necessary to have a clear process spanning from definition to evaluation of technology development activities.
If you need support for Internal coordination:

Edmund Williams

Head of Technology Coordination & Planning Office

Nils Poirisse-Mougel

Technology R&D Coordination Engineer

Julie Périon

Technology R&D Coordination Engineer

The main objective of the ESA-wide 'Process for Technology R&D Management' is to undertake planned and coordinated developments in answer to user requirements -- such as mission needs, industry competitiveness, non-dependence -- so as to have technology ready at the maturity level required at each stage.

Thanks to the Agency-wide 'Process for Technology R&D Management', ESA ensures that the selection of activities to be funded corresponds to the ESA Technology Strategy. 

Whilst the planning of ESA technology development is channelled through the Agency-wide Process for Technology R&D Management, the detailed programme formulation, funding and the interface with the respective Programme Board remain within each Directorate. 

To support the ESA-wide Process for Technology Management, 

ESA has established two structures: