This is achieved by identifying the needs and existing capabilities within Europe – as documented in Technology Harmonisation Dossiers – and by agreeing on ‘European Space Technology Roadmaps’, through a process of concertation, coordination and agreement between all participants. These joint Roadmaps aim at optimising public funding and guiding developments to ensure the right technology is at the right level of maturity at the right time.
The process has been developed to achieve better-coordinated research and development activities among actors in the European space sector, establishing a strong technology base as a means of underpinning the worldwide competitiveness of European industry and ensuring the success of future space missions.
Through nearly two decades of operation, and several major reviews that recommended its strengthening, Technology Harmonisation is now an established and well-proven European process. It involves over 1,000 European takeholders, including ESA, national agencies and organisations, the European Commission, the European Defence Agency, and Space Entities (industry, R&D organisations, academia and associations).
In the scope of Harmonisation, space technologies are currently grouped into 48 topics, covering a wide range of subjects, from electric propulsion and de-orbiting technologies, to optical communications and microelectronics. Topics are continuously evolving to recognise the dynamic nature of the space sector and emerging technology trends.
Through the Technology Coordination and Planning Office, ESA supervises and coordinates all phases of the Harmonisation process (Mapping and Roadmapping). Every year, up to 10 topics undergo Harmonisation. Therefore, topics are normally addressed and upated every about 4 years.
ESA technical experts are designated to provide the needed technical knowledge and to prepare the documentation: the Technology Harmonisation Dossiers (THD) and the Roadmaps. The final documents are available to all stakeholders via our Harmonisation Document Management System (HDMS: ht tps:// --> eclipse). If you do not have an account, you can request access by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.
THAG is an ESA delegate body, established in 2006 to advise the ESA Industrial Policy Committee (IPC) on Technology Harmonisation matters, including:
The European Space Technology Harmonisation is a voluntary process, based on transparency and exchange of information. Continuous support from all participants is crucial to the success of this European initiative.
In case of interest in any of the topics addressed by the European Space Technology Harmonisation, the recommended approach is to seek involvement either through your national delegation (in the case of ESA Member and Associate States) or directly through ESA ( You will find the contact details of your national delegation in the European Space Technology Master Plan; the delegate may then recommend how to further proceed.
All European space sector stakeholders can access the Harmonisation Documents as well as the European Space Technology Master Plan via the Harmonisation Document Management System (HDMS: --> eclipse). You may request an account to HDMS by sending an e-mail to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
Cryogenics and Focal Plane Cooling
Composite Materials
AOCS and GNC Systems
Model Based for System Engineering
Electrochemical Energy Storage
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Technologies for Passive Millimetre and Sub-Millimetre Wave Instruments
Technologies for Fluid Mechanics
Technologies for Optical Passive Instruments – Stable & Lightweight Structures, Mirrors
Cubesat Propulsion
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
November-December 2023
Space Entities Mapping Consultation
February-March 2024
Space Entities Mapping Consultation
16-18 January 2024
Mapping Meeting
9-11 April 2024
Mapping Meeting
March-April 2024
Space Entities Roadmap Consultation
July-September 2024
Space Entities Roadmap Consultation
17-18 June 2024
Roadmap Meeting
27-28 November 2024
Roadmap Meeting
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
On-Board Radio Navigation Receivers
Avionics Embedded Systems
Enabling Artificial Intelligence for Space System Applications
Power Management and Distribution
TT&C Transponders and Payload Data Transmitters
Power RF Measurements and Modelling
Critical Active RF Technologies
Solar Array Drive Mechanisms
Functional Verification and Mission Operations Systems
Solar Generators and Solar Cells
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
05 December 2024 - 03 February 2025
Space Entities Consultation
End February 2025 - Mid May 2025
Space Entities Consultation
11 - 13 February 2025
Harmonisation Meeting
13 - 15 May 2025
Harmonisation Meeting
July 2025
Publication of documents
December 2025
Publication of documents
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. The main capabilities of an AI system are perception, reasoning, learning and decision-making. It has demonstrated its ability to carry out very complex tasks with great proficiency.
AI can be used in extremely diverse application in all the domains of space system developments covering the full engineering process, operations and exploitation as well as legal and management aspects. The aim of the process is to harmonise the development of these AI techniques in view of their application to the different domains of space systems.
The coverage of this topic is classified as below:
The topic is not expected to cover the development of new AI applications, which are instead the focus of the domain-specific harmonisation topics, neither is it intended to perform fundamental research into AI. Rather it will focus on harmonisation of the AI technology, paradigms and techniques common across the development, operations and exploitation of space systems in various application domains.
Actuators in space are broadly used to operate satellite platform and payload devices. Despite their common use, actuators still represent a critical component as their failure might often lead to severe, or even catastrophic, effects on spacecraft operations. This topic covers motors, transmission stages and position sensors, but not guiding system technologies (e.g. bearing), drive electronics, or force and torque sensors. The appeal of Harmonisation lies in establishing generic component building blocks that reduce the time and cost of developing actuation systems for specific missions.
- Actuators based on electric motors
- Piezo-actuators
- Limited stroke actuators
The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK
If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is widely regarded as a revolutionary technology that promises to transform design and production in many industries, including. This topic covers manufacturing technologies by additive processing of materials, as well as hybrid manufacturing by combining additively made appendices onto conventionally made parts or by mixing two additive manufacturing processes to make a single part. Hybrid manufacturing also includes aspects such as machining of interfaces, surface finishing, assembling and joining (e.g. welding of Al alloys) and thermal treatments. The topic addresses the areas listed below.
- Design tools, guidelines and rules based on geometrical capabilities of AM.
- Development of materials for AM:
- Material procurement, characterisation and recycling.
- PA and QA requirements and verification tools required to reach the quality level for space use.
- Out-of-Earth AM technologies.
The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK
If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.
The guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) or attitude and orbit control subsystem (AOCS) of a space vehicle relies on estimating the state of the spacecraft from measurements made by sensors, deriving the required control actions by comparing with the guidance profile to change the current state of the spacecraft into the desired state via control actions using actuators. This topic covers the hardware elements of the GNC/AOCS system.
The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK
If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.
An array antenna is a system obtained by connecting a group of small radiating sources and organising them in such a way that their received or transmitted signals are in the correct and desired electrical relationship (in terms of phase and amplitude). While reflector antennas with a single feed usually scan the beam mechanically by moving the reflector, a phased array can scan the beam electronically by changing the relative excitation of its elements. This topic covers space-borne and ground-based Array Antennas including transmit and receive array antennas categorised as listed below.
- Passive arrays:
- Active arrays:
- Hybrid arrays:
In terms of applications, the topic addresses broadband and broadcast active/flexible antennas for GEO (L to Ku/Ka/ Q/V), government satcom active antennas including anti-jamming and source location, constellations mainly active antennas including mobile and radar DRA’s (L to Ka), intersatellite link high-speed data transmission antennas, Very High Throughput Satellites (VHTS) and digital HTS/VHTS, mobile and Science missions (array fed reflector up to 12m), passive multi beam antennas for GEO (L to Q/V) including feeder link/gateway antenna, mobile communication (mainly L/S- band, broadcast), navigation, Synthetic Aperture Radar (high performance SAR EO systems in L-, C- and X-Band), passive radiometers and interferometers (multiband L to Ka and up to mm wave) and Earth Observation/Science high-speed data transmission antennas.
The Technology Harmonisation Dossier and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK
If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.
This topic covers the technologies needed for the implementation of space robotics missions. It is structured in the areas listed below.
- Space robotics applications
- Automation and robotics systems
The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK
If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.
Avionics Embedded Systems control all on-board functions that manage a spacecraft and its communications, payload and mission. This topic includes the areas listed below.
- Architectures and interfaces: avionics architecture covers software, hardware and communications architectures
- Avionics system functions
- Development process and related methods and tools
The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK
If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.
This topic focuses on the whole data lifecycle, from data acquisition (e.g. by space-borne, low or high altitude sensors, ground-based sensors) retrieved directly or via satellite and ground relay, to successive data management, analysis and exploitation in various domains and applications such as Earth Observation, Space Science, Satellite Telecommunications, Satellite Navigation, and Space Safety. The topic covers four main layers of the space data lifecycle.
The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK
If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.
Chemical Propulsion includes different types of propulsion systems and components for space systems, from simple cold gas systems to monopropellant and bipropellant systems with increasing complexity. The corresponding thrust levels range from a several milli-Newton up to several kilo-Newton, as required for exploration activities. This topic covers the areas listed below.
- Chemical thrusters
- Thin walled tanks
- Pressure regulators and sensors
- Filters
- Valves: service valves, isolation valves (pyrotechnic valves, and shape memory alloy valves), latching valves, check valves
- Electric pumps
- Micro-launcher, in-space transportation and return from space engines (for de-orbiting and landing)
For chemical propulsion technologies intended for CubeSat applications (equal or below 0.5N per thruster) please see CubeSat Propulsion.
The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK
If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.
This topic addresses the design, modelling, manufacturing, and characterisation of coatings for use in space. A classification of the covered technologies is done in three categories, based on the objective of the coating.
Transversal aspects to the three coating categories such as design, modelling, manufacture, characterisation and verification are also covered.
The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK
If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.
The ESTMP sets out a European vision of technology for the coming years to support decisions of European stakeholders on space technology R&D.
The European Space Technology Master Plan (ESTMP), updated annually by ESA with all stakeholders, constitutes a comprehensive overview of technology R&D across Europe. In particular, it includes:
The most recent edition is the ESTMP 2024. For access to the publication contact us at from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.