
Technology Harmonisation provides all European actors with the framework and the key instruments needed to coordinate space technology at the European level.

This is achieved by identifying the needs and existing capabilities within Europe – as documented in Technology Harmonisation Dossiers – and by agreeing on ‘European Space Technology Roadmaps’, through a process of concertation, coordination and agreement between all participants. These joint Roadmaps aim at optimising public funding and guiding developments to ensure the right technology is at the right level of maturity at the right time. 

The process has been developed to achieve better-coordinated research and development activities among actors in the European space sector, establishing a strong technology base as a means of underpinning the worldwide competitiveness of European industry and ensuring the success of future space missions.

Through nearly two decades of operation, and several major reviews that recommended its strengthening, Technology Harmonisation is now an established and well-proven European process. It involves over 1,000 European takeholders, including ESA, national agencies and organisations, the European Commission, the European Defence Agency, and Space Entities (industry, R&D organisations, academia and associations).

In the scope of Harmonisation, space technologies are currently grouped into 48 topics, covering a wide range of subjects, from electric propulsion and de-orbiting technologies, to optical communications and microelectronics. Topics are continuously evolving to recognise the dynamic nature of the space sector and emerging technology trends.

Technology Coordination

Contact point


"Fill strategic gaps" and "Minimise unnecessary duplications"

Consolidate European Strategic Capabilities 

Achieve a Coordinated and Commited European Space technology Policy and Planning 

Contribute to continuity and coherence between technology and industrial Policies 


Through the Technology Coordination and Planning Office, ESA supervises and coordinates all phases of the Harmonisation process (Mapping and Roadmapping). Every year, up to 10 topics undergo Harmonisation. Therefore, topics are normally addressed and upated every about 4 years.

ESA technical experts are designated to provide the needed technical knowledge and to prepare the documentation: the Technology Harmonisation Dossiers (THD) and the Roadmaps. The final documents are available to all stakeholders via our Harmonisation Document Management System (HDMS: ht tps:// --> eclipse). If you do not have an account, you can request access by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.

  • Internal coordination across ESA is achieved for technical, strategic and programmatic areas: the active participation of the Competence Domain Leads (CDL) ensures quality, coherence, relevance and consistency of the technical content, while the involvement of the TECNET Chairs Forum and Programme Managers ensures programmatic aspects are taken into account.  
  • External coordination with the European and Canadian space community is achieved via open consultation rounds four times per year. Note that topics are split into two cycles of up to 5 topics each (see below the topics and key dates for the ongoing cycles), and therefore two Mapping Consultations and two Roadmapping Consultations are held every year.

ESA Technology Harmonisation Advisory Group - THAG 

THAG is an ESA delegate body, established in 2006 to advise the ESA Industrial Policy Committee (IPC) on Technology Harmonisation matters, including:

  • Technology harmonisation work plans
  • Mapping of European capabilities with respect to the needs of the institutional and commercial markets
  • Implementation within ESA programmes of agreed roadmaps and conclusions, and identification of national-and European-level funding
  • Harmonisation measures to be applied in istitutional programmes and by industry

How to participate

The European Space Technology Harmonisation is a voluntary process, based on transparency and exchange of information. Continuous support from all participants is crucial to the success of this European initiative.

In case of interest in any of the topics addressed by the European Space Technology Harmonisation, the recommended approach is to seek involvement either through your national delegation (in the case of ESA Member and Associate States) or directly through ESA ( You will find the contact details of your national delegation in the European Space Technology Master Plan; the delegate may then recommend how to further proceed.

All European space sector stakeholders can access the Harmonisation Documents as well as the European Space Technology Master Plan via the Harmonisation Document Management System (HDMS: --> eclipse). You may request an account to HDMS by sending an e-mail to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.

Ongoing Harmonisation Cycles - topics and key dates

2024 Topics

Cycle 1  

Cycle 2

Cryogenics and Focal Plane Cooling  

Composite Materials

AOCS and GNC Systems  

Model Based for System Engineering

Electrochemical Energy Storage  

Electromagnetic Compatibility

Technologies for Passive Millimetre and Sub-Millimetre Wave Instruments  

Technologies for Fluid Mechanics

Technologies for Optical Passive Instruments – Stable & Lightweight Structures, Mirrors  

Cubesat Propulsion

2024 Dates

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

November-December 2023

Space Entities Mapping Consultation

February-March 2024

Space Entities Mapping Consultation

16-18 January 2024

Mapping Meeting

9-11 April 2024

Mapping Meeting

March-April 2024

Space Entities Roadmap Consultation

July-September 2024

Space Entities Roadmap Consultation

17-18 June 2024

Roadmap Meeting

27-28 November 2024

Roadmap Meeting

2025 Topics

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

On-Board Radio Navigation Receivers

Avionics Embedded Systems

Enabling Artificial Intelligence for Space System Applications

Power Management and Distribution

TT&C Transponders and Payload Data Transmitters

Power RF Measurements and Modelling

Critical Active RF Technologies

Solar Array Drive Mechanisms

Functional Verification and Mission Operations Systems

Solar Generators and Solar Cells

2025 Dates

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

05 December 2024 - 03 February 2025

Space Entities Consultation

End February 2025 - Mid May 2025

Space Entities Consultation

11 - 13 February 2025

Harmonisation Meeting

13 - 15 May 2025

Harmonisation Meeting

July 2025

Publication of documents

December 2025

Publication of documents

Harmonisation topics

On-board Radio Navigation Receivers

Currently in Harmonisation. Publication expected in Q3 2025. Last Harmonised in 2019.

This topic addresses various types of On-Board Radio Navigation Receivers and their core technologies, including those listed below.

- High reliability GNSS space receivers for high-end and mid-range performance: platform receivers to determine absolute and/or relative PVT, including on-ground or on-board precise orbit determination (POD).

  • High-End Receivers: typically multi frequency receivers with meter level navigation accuracy and sub-decimetre accuracy in case of on-board real-time POD.
  • Mid-Range Receivers: typically single frequency receivers with tens of meter level navigation accuracy with standard point positioning, reaching sub-meter accuracy with advanced orbital filter.

- EO/Scientific GNSS space receivers, such as for reflectometry and radio occultation instruments.

- Low Cost GNSS space receivers based on COTS parts and with limited reliability and level of qualification status, including products for CubeSats.

- Supporting GNSS core technologies: Radio Frequency analogue components (including complex MIMIC), Base-Band processing, clock, GNSS antennas, and technologies for detecting and mitigating interference and spoofing.

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

On-board Software

Last harmonised in 2020.

The space system on-board software consists of software (SW) applications embedded in space systems. It interfaces with the ground-based SW, which is developed to support daily operations after launch. The topic is organised around the domains listed below.

- Methods and tools for the SW development that are innovative in the commercial world and require analyses for the adoption in the space domain. 

- New functions of the SW systems that are anticipated to be needed but that need pre-development or prototyping before actual space developments (autonomy, FDIR).

- Space Segment SW including:

  • Methods and tools for On-Board SW engineering: all aspects of On-Board SW engineering, requirements, automation of the life cycle, testing, model based development, formal methods (programme verification, correctness proof of specific required properties, static schedulability analysis, etc). In particular, it includes SW simulators and emulators of on-board processors interfacing with System and SW engineering and respective tools. 
  • Innovative management processes: adaptive engineering, agile life cycle, new planning approaches, cost estimation methods, distributed development. Focus is on system aspects of SW, system SW co-engineering. Covers also SW-HW co-engineering.
  • Architectures: Software architectures for space segment software, including TSP approach, communication protocols, Plug and Play technologies.

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Optical Communications for Space

Last harmonised in 2022.

Optical communications use light to transmit data between two points. By replacing radio frequency signals with laser light as a means of carrying data, optical communication technologies offer great advantages for links between spacecraft or between spacecraft and the ground. This topic covers optical communication technologies where at least one of two partner terminals in a point-to-point communication link is embarked on a spacecraft.

  • Space-borne terminals for inter-satellite links: LEO-LEO, MEO-HAPS, MEO-LEO, MEO-MEO, GEO-HAPS, GEO-LEO, GEO-GEO, Deep Space – Earth Orbit.
  • Space-borne terminals for Space Direct-to-Earth (DTE) links: HAPS-DTE, LEO-DTE, MEO-DTE, GEO-DTE, Lunar-DTE, Deep Space – DTE.
  • Ground-based terminals for Space Direct-to-Earth links: including steerable optical ground station feeder links to LEO/MEO, non-steerable optical ground station feeder links to GEO, quantum key distribution, and Moon-based optical ground station.

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Optical Detectors

Last harmonised in 2022.

Detectors form the cornerstone of many space missions as they are used to sense radiation from infrared to X-rays and beyond, and often their performance is the limiting factor for instrumentation on board spacecraft. Within Harmonisation this topic focuses on optical detectors in the range from ultraviolet (UV) to visible and infrared (IR) wavelengths, with a main focus on the latter two.

- Silicon detectors operating in the waveband near UV to near IR (250-1000 nm):

  • Charge-Coupled Devices (CCD)
  • CMOS Image Sensors (CIS)
  • UV to NIR photon-counting detector technologies: mainly Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes / Silicon Photomultiplier (SPAD/SiPM), Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs) and photocathode-based detectors.

- IR detectors operating in the spectral range from 1µm to ~20µm (and up to sub-mm in a few scientific applications): including MCTs, InGaAs, III-V compounds, Type-II super-lattice structures, uncooled thermal detectors, APDs and associated support electronic devices (ASICs).

This topic also looks into supply chain issues related to all applications.

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 


Last Harmonised in 2023.

Photonics is a term for a very broad field which involves the generation, manipulation and detection of light. This topic covers aspects of waveguided optics, in particular fibre optics and integrated optics for space application. 

  • Components: lasers for digital and analogue transmission, frequency combs, modulators, photodiodes for digital and analogue communications, opto-couplers, passives (single and multi-mode optical fibres, fibre optic couplers/splitters, multi/demultiplexers, isolators, connectors).
  • Sub-systems: modulators, e.g. optical amplifiers.
  • End-to-end links: digital and analogue
  • Equipment: e.g. Frequency Generator Unit, frequency converter, router, RF filter, beam forming network, optical wireless, fibre sensing (fibre optic gyroscopes, thermal monitoring…), opto-pyrotechnics, micro-photonics, packaging

Note that hybrid devices and equipment used in LIDARs, laser communication terminals, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and optical clocks are covered in other Harmonisation topics. See in particular Optical Communications for Space, and Frequency and Time Generation and Distribution.

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Power Management and Distribution

Currently in Harmonisation. Publication expected in Q4 2025.

Power management and distribution are crucial functions in satellite systems, as they ensure that all subsystems operate reliably. The power management system regulates the power supply, stores excess energy, and distributes it to the various subsystems as required. The distribution system provides the power to each subsystem while ensuring that the overall power usage remains within the limits of the satellite's power budget. The areas covered by this topic are listed below.

  • Power subsystems architecture: including power subsystem topologies, sizing, modelling and simulation tools and techniques.
  • Power electronics or power conditioning and distribution: including regulation, control and distribution within the spacecraft power subsystem (management of solar array power and battery storage including protection and distribution to the loads), and within any electrical equipment (power converters, distribution, protections).
  • Basic materials and processes: including hardware and component technologies used in power conditioning and distribution and analogue domains.
  • High voltage power management (>200V) and high voltage and high temperature potting materials for applications like power supplies for Travelling Wave Tubes, Electrical Propulsion electronics.

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Power RF Measurement and Modelling

Currently in Harmonisation. Publication expected in Q4 2025.

This topic covers the main destructive phenomena related to spacecraft RF power, and the technologies available to prevent them or reduce the associated risks.

  • Multipactor
  • Corona or gas discharge
  • Passive intermodulation interference between high-power transmission and low-power receiving antennae

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier and Roadmap (THD) can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Printed Circuit Boards and Electronic Assembly Technologies

Last harmonised in 2022.

Printed Circuit Boards and Electronic Assembly Technologies provide the interconnection and packaging technologies for EEE components to operate reliably and in unison within the electronic system. System level packaging by assembly of EEE parts on PCBs constitute the nerves and the veins of the electronic system, interconnecting its brains and senses by distributing power and signal. In addition, system packaging provides the backbone and armour, as the sensitive EEE parts need protection from the harsh environmental conditions of the soldering processes, ground-based testing, launch and prolonged operation in the application environment. The technology domain is strongly driven by reliability, miniaturisation, signal speeds, power integrity, thermal management, environmental legislation and commercial market trends. This Harmonisation topic covers printed circuit board materials, electronic assembly technologies and verification processes of the assemblies as well as harness manufacturing processes.

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Pyrotechnic Devices

Last harmonised in 2020.

Pyrotechnic devices, in the context of release mechanisms, refer to the category of devices that utilise the energy released from a controlled explosion to perform useful work. Pyrotechnic devices are used in many crucial single-use operations in a space mission. This topic includes areas listed below.

  • Cords
  • Cutters
  • Separator nuts
  • Detonating transfer lines
  • Detonators (including opto-pyro detonators)
  • Pyrovalves
  • Shock generators
  • Microperforators
  • Thruster igniters

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Radiation Environment and Effects

Last harmonised in 2021.

Radiation effects on spacecraft are an increasing problem, due to the increasing complexity of spacecraft platforms and payloads as well as the changing nature of missions (longer traverse time in radiation belts, more hazardous locations). Here radiation refers to particle radiation (highly energetic plasma) with a nominal energy range from 30 keV to >10 MeV (electrons) and 0.1 MeV/nucleon to > 1 GeV/nucleon (protons and heavier ions). This topic covers radiation:

  • environment measurement techniques,
  • environment modelling,
  • effects analysis tools,
  • hardening and radiation effects mitigation,
  • effect mechanisms,
  • effects testing methods,
  • facilities,
  • hardness assurance.

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

The European Space Technology Master Plan


The ESTMP sets out a European vision of technology for the coming years to support decisions of European stakeholders on space technology R&D.

The European Space Technology Master Plan (ESTMP), updated annually by ESA with all stakeholders, constitutes a comprehensive overview of technology R&D across Europe. In particular, it includes:

  • A snapshot of the space sector in the global context;
  • European institutional space technology R&D budgets;
  • An overview of the ESA technology R&D programmes updated to include new programmes stemming from the last Council at Ministerial;
  • An overview of technology programmes and initiatives by the European Commission and the European Defence Agency, including the Critical Space Technologies for Non-Dependence, jointly with ESA;
  • A presentation of ESA participating states, including organisation of national space technology R&D;
  • A list and description of the European Space Technology Harmonisation topics including Roadmap aims.

The most recent edition is the ESTMP 2024. For access to the publication contact us at from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.