
Technology Harmonisation provides all European actors with the framework and the key instruments needed to coordinate space technology at the European level.

This is achieved by identifying the needs and existing capabilities within Europe – as documented in Technology Harmonisation Dossiers – and by agreeing on ‘European Space Technology Roadmaps’, through a process of concertation, coordination and agreement between all participants. These joint Roadmaps aim at optimising public funding and guiding developments to ensure the right technology is at the right level of maturity at the right time. 

The process has been developed to achieve better-coordinated research and development activities among actors in the European space sector, establishing a strong technology base as a means of underpinning the worldwide competitiveness of European industry and ensuring the success of future space missions.

Through nearly two decades of operation, and several major reviews that recommended its strengthening, Technology Harmonisation is now an established and well-proven European process. It involves over 1,000 European takeholders, including ESA, national agencies and organisations, the European Commission, the European Defence Agency, and Space Entities (industry, R&D organisations, academia and associations).

In the scope of Harmonisation, space technologies are currently grouped into 48 topics, covering a wide range of subjects, from electric propulsion and de-orbiting technologies, to optical communications and microelectronics. Topics are continuously evolving to recognise the dynamic nature of the space sector and emerging technology trends.

Technology Coordination

Contact point


"Fill strategic gaps" and "Minimise unnecessary duplications"

Consolidate European Strategic Capabilities 

Achieve a Coordinated and Commited European Space technology Policy and Planning 

Contribute to continuity and coherence between technology and industrial Policies 


Through the Technology Coordination and Planning Office, ESA supervises and coordinates all phases of the Harmonisation process (Mapping and Roadmapping). Every year, up to 10 topics undergo Harmonisation. Therefore, topics are normally addressed and upated every about 4 years.

ESA technical experts are designated to provide the needed technical knowledge and to prepare the documentation: the Technology Harmonisation Dossiers (THD) and the Roadmaps. The final documents are available to all stakeholders via our Harmonisation Document Management System (HDMS: ht tps:// --> eclipse). If you do not have an account, you can request access by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.

  • Internal coordination across ESA is achieved for technical, strategic and programmatic areas: the active participation of the Competence Domain Leads (CDL) ensures quality, coherence, relevance and consistency of the technical content, while the involvement of the TECNET Chairs Forum and Programme Managers ensures programmatic aspects are taken into account.  
  • External coordination with the European and Canadian space community is achieved via open consultation rounds four times per year. Note that topics are split into two cycles of up to 5 topics each (see below the topics and key dates for the ongoing cycles), and therefore two Mapping Consultations and two Roadmapping Consultations are held every year.

ESA Technology Harmonisation Advisory Group - THAG 

THAG is an ESA delegate body, established in 2006 to advise the ESA Industrial Policy Committee (IPC) on Technology Harmonisation matters, including:

  • Technology harmonisation work plans
  • Mapping of European capabilities with respect to the needs of the institutional and commercial markets
  • Implementation within ESA programmes of agreed roadmaps and conclusions, and identification of national-and European-level funding
  • Harmonisation measures to be applied in istitutional programmes and by industry

How to participate

The European Space Technology Harmonisation is a voluntary process, based on transparency and exchange of information. Continuous support from all participants is crucial to the success of this European initiative.

In case of interest in any of the topics addressed by the European Space Technology Harmonisation, the recommended approach is to seek involvement either through your national delegation (in the case of ESA Member and Associate States) or directly through ESA ( You will find the contact details of your national delegation in the European Space Technology Master Plan; the delegate may then recommend how to further proceed.

All European space sector stakeholders can access the Harmonisation Documents as well as the European Space Technology Master Plan via the Harmonisation Document Management System (HDMS: --> eclipse). You may request an account to HDMS by sending an e-mail to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.

Ongoing Harmonisation Cycles - topics and key dates

2024 Topics

Cycle 1  

Cycle 2

Cryogenics and Focal Plane Cooling  

Composite Materials

AOCS and GNC Systems  

Model Based for System Engineering

Electrochemical Energy Storage  

Electromagnetic Compatibility

Technologies for Passive Millimetre and Sub-Millimetre Wave Instruments  

Technologies for Fluid Mechanics

Technologies for Optical Passive Instruments – Stable & Lightweight Structures, Mirrors  

Cubesat Propulsion

2024 Dates

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

November-December 2023

Space Entities Mapping Consultation

February-March 2024

Space Entities Mapping Consultation

16-18 January 2024

Mapping Meeting

9-11 April 2024

Mapping Meeting

March-April 2024

Space Entities Roadmap Consultation

July-September 2024

Space Entities Roadmap Consultation

17-18 June 2024

Roadmap Meeting

27-28 November 2024

Roadmap Meeting

2025 Topics

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

On-Board Radio Navigation Receivers

Avionics Embedded Systems

Enabling Artificial Intelligence for Space System Applications

Power Management and Distribution

TT&C Transponders and Payload Data Transmitters

Power RF Measurements and Modelling

Critical Active RF Technologies

Solar Array Drive Mechanisms

Functional Verification and Mission Operations Systems

Solar Generators and Solar Cells

2025 Dates

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

05 December 2024 - 03 February 2025

Space Entities Consultation

End February 2025 - Mid May 2025

Space Entities Consultation

11 - 13 February 2025

Harmonisation Meeting

13 - 15 May 2025

Harmonisation Meeting

July 2025

Publication of documents

December 2025

Publication of documents

Harmonisation topics

Frequency and Time Generation and Distribution (Space & Ground)

Last harmonised in 2023.

Ultra-stable frequency and time sources play an important role in many modern applications, such as high-speed data transmission, time keeping, space navigation, and geodesy, and in supporting key elements of basic research in space. The areas covered by this topic include techniques and technologies for the generation, transfer and comparison of ultra-stable time/frequency signals, in both the RF/Microwave domain and in the optical domain (for dedicated payload without optical communications function).

- Time and Frequency generation: Space

  • On-board oscillators
  • Miniaturised atomic clocks
  • Atomic clocks and Clock Monitoring and Control Units
  • Microwave photonics

- Time and Frequency generation: Ground

  • Microwave clocks
  • Optical clocks and related technologies
  • Timescale generation

- Time and Frequency transfer and dissemination

- GNSS time and frequency transfer

- Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer

- Optical fibre links

- Optical free-space links

For frequency and time distribution over physical or telemetry layer of free-space optical communications links please see Optical Communications for Space.

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Functional Verification and Missions Operations Systems

Currently in Harmonisation. Publication expected in Q3 2025. Last Harmonised in 2020.

This topic is related to Functional Verification facilities used for development, assembly, integration and test in pre-launch and maintenance phases, and to Mission Operations Systems facilities for remote asset (e.g. satellite, rover, lunar base) monitoring and control during in-flight operations in post-launch phase. In particular, the topic addresses the following facilities and subsystems listed below.

- Functional Verification Bench

- Software Verification Facility

- Spacecraft AIV Simulator 

- Ground System Test Simulator 

- Training, Operations and Maintenance Simulator

- Electrical Ground Support Equipment systems, including Special Checkout Equipment / Front-end Equipment

- Mission Control Systems

- Data Archiving System

- Data Dissemination System

- Mission Planning Systems

- Ground Stations Monitor and Control System

- Subsystems and components used inside or across these facilities 

  • Mission Database and Operations Preparation Environment 
  • Automated Procedure Preparation, Execution and Post-processing Tools 
  • Data archiving, analysis and distribution, including long term archive of large amount of data
  • Simulators

- Process definitions, standards and reference architectures as well as supporting methodologies

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Ground Station Technologies

Last harmonised in 2021.

Ground station technology underpins critical services for the launch, deployment and operation of every space mission: telecommand transmission, telemetry reception from the platform or payload, and tracking and ranging. This topic mainly focuses on Ground Station technologies for the institutional applications, trying to also identify synergies with technologies for commercial services, if applicable.

  • Data return via RF: large aperture ground antennas, real time and offline arraying for deep space, multi-frequency feed systems and antenna radome, cryogenically cooled receivers and feed systems, highly stable frequency converters, autonomous receivers with variable/adaptive coding and modulation, CCSDS protocol stack, advanced propagation modelling on link optimization, secure protocols, multiple downlink antenna.
  • Data return via optical: optical ground stations for LEO, lunar and deep space direct-to-Earth (including adaptive optics), optical receivers and modems for ground, modulation and coding following CCSDS standard, planning and scheduling.
  • Enhanced uplink: ground passive RF elements and feed systems for high power, pointing performance improvements, high-power amplifiers up to 100 kW, equipment for new frequency uplink bands, multiple uplinks in same beam, coding, forward Frame Cross Support Transfer Service (CSTS).
  • Digital ground station: direct RF ADC sampling and DAC generation, intermediate frequency over IP, software defined radio, digital signal distribution, secure TTC processing, correlation and arraying of antennas, cloud computing and virtualization).
  • Orbit determination accuracy and radio science: radiometric measurements equipment, Ka-band, first signal acquisition for critical operations, multi-frequency uplinks, radiometric calibration.
  • Radar space objects observation: transmission and reception including signal synchronisation, calibration, signal processing architecture, correlation algorithms.
  • Optical space objects observation: telescope and sensor technologies, active laser ranging technologies.
  • Obsolescence and cost reduction: replacement of obsolete technology, monitoring and control for ground stations automation, next generation space link extension and CSTS, real time diagnosis tools.

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Heat Transport Equipment and Systems

Last harmonised in 2022.

Temperature control of spacecraft requires the use of heat transport equipment and systems. This topic covers both Two-Phase and Single-Phase Heat Transport technologies.

Two-Phase Heat Transport Equipment

- Heat Pipes (HP)

  • Constant Conductance Heat Pipes (CCHP), including low-CTE CCHPs and flexible heat pipes
  • Variable Conductance Heat Pipes (VCHP)
  • Heat Pipe Diodes (HPD)
  • Pulsating Heat Pipe
  • Two-Phase Structure

- Two-Phase Loop:

  • Capillary Driven Loops (CDL): Loop Heat Pipes (LHP), including high, ambient, low and cryogenic temperatures; and Capillary Pumped Loops (CPL)
  • Mechanical Pump Loops (MPL)
  • Heat Pump Systems including high capacity refrigeration systems

Single Phase Heat Transport Equipment:

- Single Phase Mechanical Pump Loop

- Single Phase Electro-Hydro-Dynamic (EHD) Pump Loop

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Lidar Critical Subsystems

Last harmonised in 2022.

Lidar instruments have become an important class of optical sensing tools which can be utilised in a vast number of Space and Ground applications, e.g. in scientific, military, environmental and commercial domains. This topic covers three key blocks based on application.

  • Atmospheric Lidars: measurement of e.g. greenhouse gas molecules, particle and aerosol, wind doppler. Includes Differential absorption lidar (DIAL), doppler lidars, and frequency comb lidars.
  • Altimetry Lidars: surface morphology and geology of planets and small bodies, measurements of vegetation canopy structure, bathymetry. Includes classical detection approach using a high power laser and a receiver detector.
  • Imaging Lidars: close proximity guidance and navigation for applications such as rendezvous and docking, automated descents, orbital satellite servicing, navigation and control of robots and rovers, shape sensing or pointing of structures (e.g. deployable antennas). Includes flash lidars and scanning lidars.

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Life Support Technologies (Bioreactors and membrane-based processes)

Last harmonised in 2023.

This topic covers technologies of bioreactors and membrane-based processes, which are needed for the implementation and execution of crewed exploration missions for lunar outposts or Mars transit missions, and planetary exploration (e.g. Moon habitat, crewed Moon rover, Mars habitat).

- Bioreactors

  • CO2 processing into oxygen (for atmosphere and food management)
  • Solid organic waste processing (for waste management)
  • Urine processing (for atmosphere and food management)
  • Cultured meat production (for food management)

- Membrane-based processes

  • Oxygen or CO2 enrichment (gas-gas separation)
  • Product extraction (gas-liquid interface)
  • Culture medium recovery (liquid-solid separation)
  • Water reclamation (liquid-liquid separation)

- Electrochemical technologies for production of oxygen, enhancement of organic waste degradation, compression of gases for storage, separation/purification of oxygen

  • Electrolysis technologies
  • Microbial electrolysis cell technology

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Micro and Nano Technologies - RF MEMS, MOEMS and MEMS pressure sensors

Last harmonised in 2020.

Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) play a key role in the on-going miniaturisation of electronic modules and systems for space applications. MEMS components englobe a very large field of technologies and applications. Within Harmonisation three MEMS technologies for space applications are considered.

- MEMS Pressure Sensors

  • Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors 
  • Capacitive Pressure Sensors 
  • Micromachined Pirani Sensors 

- MOEMS (Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems)

  • Optical switches and switching matrices
  • Variable optical attenuators 
  • Tilting micro-mirrors for fine optical beam steering 
  • Tuneable spectral filters 


  • RF MEMS switches and associated matrices 
  • Micromachined RF filters (MEMS fabrication processes but no moving part) 
  • RF MEMS varactor 
  • Associated RF MEMS Hermetic packaging

- MEMS micro-coolers: devices made with MEMS technology for application in the packaging of high-power component

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Microwave Passive Hardware

Last harmonised in 2022.

Microwave passive devices are present in all kinds of satellite systems. The repertoire of on-board microwave passive technologies and equipment is very wide and it covers the units or components that do not have any active parts but permit essential payload functionality (filtering, connection, power splitting, routing, etc.). The coverage of this topic is classified as listed below.

  • Low and high power filters, diplexers and multiplexers
  • Power dividers, combiners, couplers and multiport couplers
  • Ferrite devices: isolators, circulators, phase shifters
  • RF harness: connectors, cables & cable assemblies, loads, attenuators and waveguides
  • RF coaxial and waveguide relays and switches

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

Model Based for System Engineering

Currently in Harmonisation. Publication expected early 2025.

This harmonisation topic addresses the use of model-based technologies to support system engineering. It involves the structured application of modelling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification and validation activities in space systems engineering context, covering the entire life cycle from needs identification to disposal.

Providing timely and direct access to consolidated, well-structured and interlinked data from different actors (specialist disciplines) creates digital continuity, which significantly improves communication between all stakeholders involved and therefore reduces the chances of late discovery of errors and costly rework. Moreover, data exchange based on a well-defined common vocabulary allows to seamlessly integrate powerful design and analysis tools, providing the capability to handle complex system designs more effectively.

For model-based techniques specifically for functional verification and for ground segment, in view of developing simulators, see Functional Verification and Mission Operations Systems.

For the specific modelling and simulation technology see System Modelling and Simulation Tools.

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

On-board Computers, Data Handling Systems and Microelectronics

Last harmonised in 2021.

Every modern spacecraft is equipped with an On–Board Computer & Data Handling System (OBCDHS), which is responsible for the command and monitoring. The OBCDHS implements spacecraft management and mission management functions as an extension of the Ground Control and Operation Centre. Complex Microelectronic circuits are of capital importance to achieve miniaturisation and performance levels demanded by today’s and future space OBCDHS modules, other platform systems and satellite instruments. This topic covers the areas listed below.

- Computer and Data Handling Systems (CDHS) architecture, units, modules and communication systems

  • Platform and Payload CDHS Architectures background 
  • CDHS units, modules and functions (PF+PL) 
  • CDHS communication links, buses and networks 

- Microelectronic devices and enabling technology

  • FPGA 
  • Microprocessors, microcontrollers, Digital Signal Processing 
  • Application Specific Standard Products (digital, analogue and mixed-signal) 
  • ASIC platforms (rad hard cell libraries, IP, Design Kits, packaging, supply chain space quality) 
  • IP Cores 

- CDHS EGSEs & Microelectronics Development methods and tools

  • EGSE and tools for CDHS used at satellite level or instrument level 
  • EGSE for CDHS Units 
  • EGSE that are used to verify the proper functionality of a module to be then integrated in a CDHS unit. 
  • Microelectronics development methods and tools 

The Technology Harmonisation Dossier (THD) and Roadmap can be accessed via our Harmonisation Document Management System under the following links: THD LINK / Roadmap LINK  

If you do not have an account yet, you may request one by sending an email to from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company. 

The European Space Technology Master Plan


The ESTMP sets out a European vision of technology for the coming years to support decisions of European stakeholders on space technology R&D.

The European Space Technology Master Plan (ESTMP), updated annually by ESA with all stakeholders, constitutes a comprehensive overview of technology R&D across Europe. In particular, it includes:

  • A snapshot of the space sector in the global context;
  • European institutional space technology R&D budgets;
  • An overview of the ESA technology R&D programmes updated to include new programmes stemming from the last Council at Ministerial;
  • An overview of technology programmes and initiatives by the European Commission and the European Defence Agency, including the Critical Space Technologies for Non-Dependence, jointly with ESA;
  • A presentation of ESA participating states, including organisation of national space technology R&D;
  • A list and description of the European Space Technology Harmonisation topics including Roadmap aims.

The most recent edition is the ESTMP 2024. For access to the publication contact us at from a corporate email address providing business affiliation and position in the company.