
The Technology Directorate’s Electrical Department is responsible for executing activities in the following domains:
electromagneticsantenna systemsspace environmentpower systemsdata handling for payloads and platformscomputersEEE Components and microelectronicscommunications and navigation payloads and end-to-end systems.
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Electrical Department

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It manages the corresponding technical laboratories and facilities, elaborates engineering standards and is responsible for technology activities for these technical disciplines.

It provides essential technical support to all ESA programmes.

The electrical engineering activities are supported by a team of about 250 highly specialised people and a number of dedicated laboratories.  



Space systems will miss their core space use i.e. the payload or instrument which provides a defined service

The exploitation of satellite data will not be possible without a properly designed ground segment

Space systems may be vulnerable to cyberattack and radiation effects potentially hampering their operation

Satellites will not be controlled and monitored

Satellites will not have the required power to supply on-board equipment nor the ‘brain’ to control the satellite operation

Satellites will not have the key building blocks -- EEE components -- that make it possible to operate complex electronic equipment in space.


Radio Frequency Systems Division

The Radio Frequency Systems Division is responsible for the technical and strategic management of activities and technological developments including the provision of specialised support addressing RF systems and subsystems, and security including the utilisation and management of the associated laboratory facilities.

Radio Frequency Payloads and Technology Division

Division is responsible for RF payloads and technologies for space and ground applications and associated laboratory facilities.

Data Systems, Microelectronics and Components Technology Division

The Data Systems, Microelectronics and Component Technology Division is responsible for all aspects of data systems, microelectronics and components technology and the associated laboratory facilities.

Power Systems, EMC and Space Environment Division

The Power Systems, EMC and Space Environments Division is responsible for all aspects of power systems required for ESA spacecraft and payloads.
Related labs

Antenna Laboratory

At ESTEC, ESA operates some of the largest European test facilities dedicated (but not limited) to the testing of space hardware. Among these is the Antenna Laboratory

Communication and TT&C Laboratory

The Communication and Tracking, Telemetry, and Command (TT&C) Laboratory develops advanced telecommunication systems, techniques and technologies for communications.

Data Systems and Microelectronics Laboratory

The Data Systems and Microelectronics Laboratory is a joint undertaking across the Microelectronics Lab and the On-Board Computers and Data Handling Lab

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Laboratory

The Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Laboratory serves for EMC testing and measurements as well as for magnetic cleanliness verification

ESA Space Power Laboratory

In operation since the 1970s, the European Space Power Laboratory is among Europe's leading facilities of this kind.

Microwave Laboratory

The Microwave Laboratory is a group of world-class test facilities designed to support space activities in the fields of Radio Frequency Testing and R&D, Precision Time & Frequency, Radio Frequency Life Tests, GNSS Payload Testing and General Purpose Microwave Testing up to 320 GHz. Microwave testing up to 320 GHz.

Navigation Laboratory

The Navigation Laboratory investigates the full range of navigation applications, from practical to scientific. The navigation laboratory represents both an engineering tool and a tests & measurement facility to support the work of ESA internal and external customers while performing tests, analysis and characterisation of navigation systems.

Remote Sensing Laboratory

The Remote Sensing Laboratory is a set of facilities supporting research related to a broad range of systems for both the space and the ground segments

Navigation Lab exploring Galileo’s future – and beyond


Surviving the Lunar Night with a Regenerative Fuel Cell System


Simulator Uses GNSS to Track Railway Positioning

Related news

RISC-V in Space workshop


Dust Contamination Effects & Mitigation for Lunar & Martian Surface Mission


ESA testing sensor network for smart city navigation


COMET upgrade for ESA’s mission design centre


Learn more 

on the engineering support 

we can provide you

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Electrical Department

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